Lesbian sex

We had been besties for about three years now, we were literally inseparable, the first time we met at work we clicked straight away, we were so michevious and naughty together, there was deffiently a spark between us, she was Asian and Muslim, but not your typical Muslim, she drunk smoked you name it, her family were always giving her a hard time about her life choices, she refused to wear a hijab, always out till late etc, they wanted her to settle down with a nice Asian Muslim guy, but little didn't they know she liked black dick, or even worse black pussy.
I thought my parents were strict but hers were a whole different ball game.
Every time she used to drive home late, I could see the fear in her eyes, but that didn't stop her from doing the same thing over and over again, I guess hanging out with me was her way of escaping, she told me she felt trapped, like she was living her life in a box, I really felt for her.
There was always something between us I felt it, just the way she used to look at me, or even stroke my arm, every time I was with her, I could feel her beautiful brown eyes gazing at me, she was stunning, slim and petite with long silky black hair, even though the sexual tension between us was undeniable, we never acted on it, she had a habit of calling me up when she was drunk, telling me she was in love with me, but I didn't think anything of it, I never even mentioned it to her, my sisters had this weird theory that she was obsessed with me, but what did they know, they didn't know her like I did.
Sometimes she'ld blow hot and cold, her personality was very unpredictable, I'ld try and talk to her at work and she'ld give me the cold shoulder, or anytime we went out and a guy tried to chat me up, she would literally explode, her behaviour was becoming irrational.
It was a Friday night she literally begged me to come round hers, I was reluctant to go, because I wasn't sure which one of her personalities I would get, her parents were away and she had her house all to herself, they were always so pleasant to me, I didn't see the crazy side she often told me about, maybe she was the crazy one, or her parents just hid it well.
That night she picked me up and drove me to hers, we chilled together for hours, watching reruns of sex and the city, drinking laughing, as usual she rolled up a long joint, I could never take it in, she tried to teach me a few times, but I could never quite grasp it, so I stopped trying. 
I was really tipsy borderline drunk, but a good tipsy, the kind that made me feel horny, I was wearing a burgundy lace G string, which made me feel very sexy, she gave me that look again, the look you give someone that you're lusting after, "random question, have you ever been with a woman before?" she asked me, I mean i've kissed a girl but never gone the whole way, I said why? "ohh just asking" she replied, but I knew exactly why she was asking, she wanted to FUCK me, it was written all over her face.
It felt like we had been drinking, and laughing for hours, she always made me laugh, I could never stay mad at her for too long. 
As I poured myself another glass of red wine, she moved closer towards me and started stroking my cheeks, that look on her face, I knew she wanted me badly, all of a sudden I felt her hand under my bodycon skirt rubbing on my thick thighs, she told me my skin felt so soft and smooth, I don't know whether it was the alcohol, or the fact that I was getting soooo horny but I didn't stop her, surprisingly it didn't feel awkward, as her hands went further up my thighs, she leaned forward and placed her lips on mine, she stuck her tongue down my throat, I could taste the weed on her lips, it felt like I was floating.
We'd been kissing for what felt like hours, she told me she was in love with me always had been, I pretended I couldn't hear her, I guess I just didn't know how to respond.
I pulled off her bra and started sucking on her small perky breasts, I tried my hardest to ignore the string of hair on her left breast that was staring me in the face, it grossed me out just a little, as my tongue was whirled around her nipples, she had two fingers inside my warm wet vagina, she took her fingers out and licked all my pussy juices off, wow I thought to myself,  as I layed back on her bed, she climbed on top of me and started kissing me all down my neck, she took off my lace bra with one hand, faster than any guy had ever done. 
I felt her hands on my breasts caressing them slowly, I could hear her moaning, it wasn't a loud moan but a soft and delicate one, the way she was sucking on my breasts felt soooo intense, she kept biting on my hard nipples, my nipples were so big they almost looked like bullets, the more she kept biting on them, the wetter my fat tight pussy got, her tongue moved from my breasts to the inside of my vagina, going round and around my G spot with her tongue, she must have done this before, I thought to myself it felt soooo good, almost as if she was a pro, "I want us to be together forever, this is what I've been fantasising about" she moaned repeatedly, again I ignored her, we started doing 69 sucking on each others pussy, her vagina was really pretty surprisingly shaven, as she moved up, she opened up my thighs and started rubbing her wet pussy up against my wet pussy, going back and forth slowly and then faster, I could hear the slurping wet sound of our vaginas, rubbing against each other thrusting, she was caressing my breasts at the same time. 
I pushed her down and stuck my tongue deep inside her pussy, it felt so warm and wet, she gripped hold of her bedsheets and started moaning loudly "fuck OMG fuck" she screamed, I could feel her legs trembling but I carried on sucking, sticking my tongue deeper and deeper inside her clitoris, going round and round with my tongue, that's when I felt it slowly dripping down, "ride my fucking face" she screamed, as I got on top of her I started whining on her face, my fat vagina lips were spread all over her soft lips, I could feel her tongue deep inside my tight pussy, I started bouncing my big ass cheeks on top of her face, going up and down slowlyyyyy, my legs started shaking, I knew I was about to cum any minute, I couldn't stop moaning, my palms were sweating, her tongue in my pussy felt like a volcano about to erupt, I started moaning even louder, that's when I felt my warm sweet cum dripping down her long throat, she told me she could drink my cum all day long.
I thought the time went by really quickly, until I looked up 3 hours had gone by, I couldn't believe it, three whole hours WOW.


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